Students have been provided with remediatory work for the first common assessment. Students that have not met or mastered the standard are required to do the remediation.
What were the standards that were assessed?
SC.912.L.17.9 Use a food web to identify and distinguish producers, consumers, and decomposers. Explain the pathway of energy transfer through trophic levels and the reduction of available energy at successive trophic levels.
SC.912.N.1.6 Describe how scientific inferences are drawn from scientific observations and provide examples from the content being studied.
How do I know whether they met or mastered the standard?
Students were to tally the points from Common Assessment #1 to determine their score.
L.17.9 - Students earn a point for each question they got correct for questions 1-6. They also earn the number of points gained in question 9.
Ex. The student gets questions 1, 3, and 6 correct and earns 1/2 on question 9. The student earned 1 point for question 1, 1 point for question 3, and 1 point for question 6 for a total of 3 points from the multiple choice section. The student earned 1 of the possible 2 points on question 9 for an additional point. The student earned 4 points for standard L.17.9.
N.1.6 - Students earn a point for each question they got correct for questions 7 and 8. They also earn the number of points gained in question 10.
Ex. The student gets question 7 correct for 1 point and question 8 correct for another point. The student earns 3 of 5 points on question 10. The student has earned a total of 5 points for standard N.1.6.
What is the remediatory work?
Students earning 4 points or less for either standard have failed to meet or master the standard. Students earning 5 or 6 points have met the standard. Students earning 7 or more points have demonstrated mastery of the standard.
In our example the student has failed to meet the requirements for standard L.17.9 and has met the requirements for standard N.1.6.
What is the remediatory work?
L.17.9 Recovery (for SC.912.L.17.9)
1. Diagram a food web. You do not need to draw the actual organisms, just write their name and draw arrows from organism to organism showing the direction of energy flow in the food web. Student must have a minimum of 8 organisms in the food web.
Label each organism as an autotroph, heterotroph, or decomposer.
2. Explain (in words) the flow of energy through each trophic level in the food web accounting for how much energy is passed to the next level.
3. Draw two possible energy pyramids for the food web you've diagram. Again, you do not need to draw the actual organism, the name of the organism is all that is required.
Making Observations p. 22 (for SC.912.N.1.6)
Be sure to describe what observations could be made for ALL 8 characteristics of living things.
Student must turn in the required remediatory work with their Common Assessment #1 answer sheet attached.
When is the remediatory work due?
For students in 1st and 3rd periods the remediatory work is due on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at the beginning of class. For students in 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th periods the remediatory work is due on Thursday, September 30, 2010.
What if my child lost his Common Assessment answer sheet?
If a student has lost their Common Assessment #1 answer sheet they need to do both remediatory assignments.
How will the remediatory work be applied to my child's grade?
Students that did not meet or master the standard will receive an assignment grade for the remediatory assignment. Student that met or mastered the standard will receive a point of extra credit for completing a remediatory assignment. Students who fail to turn their Common Assessment #1 answer sheet back in will have their remediatory work scored as an assignment, not as extra credit.
What if my student doesn't do the remediatory work?
It is imperative that this not happen. Not only has the student failed to demonstrate the required knowledge of the standard, but has failed to complete the remediatory work. This may result in the student receiving a failing grade for the quarter.