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Thursday, May 3, 2012

3rd/4th Quarter Grade Recovery

3rd Quarter Grade Recovery is available to all students receiving a D or F during the 3rd Quarter on Compass Odyssey. There is a link posted under Course Links for students to access this program. Students must have the 3rd Quarter Grade Recovery completed no later than June 7 to receive credit. Remember, students must PASS all of the quizzes with at least an 80. The highest grade a student can earn from grade recovery is a "C".

There also is no 4th Quarter Grade Recovery after the end of the 4th Quarter. Therefore, 4th Quarter Grade Recovery has been made available to all students who have a D or F immediately. The same rules apply to grade recovery in that students must PASS all of the quizzes with at least an 80 and the highest grade a student can earn from grade recovery is a "C". This option is not to replace student effort during the 4th Quarter. Any student who wants 4th Quarter grade recovery is required to complete all 4th Quarter assignments before Compass Odyssey will be counted.