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Friday, April 27, 2012

EOC Review - In Class (UPDATED)

Students have been provided the opportunity to review tests they have already taken this year to prepare for the EOC. The review is open book and counted as the following assignment grades: Biochemistry Review, Cells Review, Cells Plants and Cellular Energy Review, Mitosis/Meiosis Review, Mendelian Genetics Review, DNA/RNA Review, Biotechnology Review, Natural Selection Review, Origin of Life Review, and Ecology Review. The tests are about 10 questions on average in length (vary between 8-20 questions each). For the students finishing early, there are other review assignments available to them that will be open book. This should give each student the ability to find what topics they struggle with the most and more review opportunity in those areas.

UPDATE: I have been given several excuses as to why students are not completing the above review assignments or getting low scores. To eliminate those excuses:

1. "They were too hard."
All of the material on the test review assignments are review. There has also been tutoring available to students all year long on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 170 with Ms. Stilling. The test review assignments are the same tests that other biology teachers at Lee have had access to, given to their own classes, and could have assisted with in tutoring. This is also the second or third time students have seen these specific tests. The first time is when they took the LSA originally. The second time was optional, in which the students were provided an opportunity to remediate the LSA. That means this is their third time they were able to see these specific tests (second if the student chose not to remediate).

2. "I didn't have my book."
All students have access to a biology book in class. A classroom set of old textbooks are located on the shelves. Students are well aware of their location. The old textbook is also the book that most of the test questions were originally written from. Some students have even chose to utilize both books.

3. "I didn't have enough time."
Students were given access to the tests before they were assigned on April 23 and April 24. Some students began working on the test review assignments as early as April 13 and April 18. Students were then provided additional time (May 3 and May 4) after the test review assignments were due (April 27 and April 30).