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Monday, January 30, 2012

Lesson Plans 1/27-2/9/11

SC.912.L.16.3 Describe the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to transmission and conservation of the genetic information.
1. Students can explain the structure of DNA and how it is replicated.
2. Students can explain the structure of DNA and the role of each type.
3. Students can explain the process and purpose of transcription and translation
4. Students can explain the relationship between genes and proteins and role in the organism
5. Students can explain gene and chromosomal mutations in the DNA.
Why is the sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecules so important?
How do changes in the genetic code occur?
ENGAGE: "How Well... Words?" - DNA/RNA
EXPLORE: DNA Replication
EXPLAIN: Cornell Notes + Chapter 8
EXTEND: Gene to Protein
EVALUATE: Chapter 8 Test