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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Learning Schedule Assessment 3.1 (Remediation)

Students were given the category they needed to work on to improve their LSA 3.1 grade in class on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 and Wednesday, February 1, 2012. If for some reason they can't remember which one, one suggestion, do all of them.

DUE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 (A-Day & 7th Period) and MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, (B-Day).


PART I. Complete the following Punnett Squares, where Tall (T) is completely dominant to the recessive allele for short (t). Be sure to identify the phenotype of each parent, draw the Punnett Squares, identify the genotype(s) of the offspring, and identify the phenotype(s) of the offspring.

1. TT * TT
2. TT * Tt
3. TT * tt
4. Tt * Tt
5. Tt * tt
6. tt * tt
7. What type of dominance is this?

PART II. Complete the following Punnett Squares, where Red (R) is not completely dominant over the recessive allele for white (r). Be sure to identify the phenotype of each parent, draw the Punnett Squares, identify the genotype(s) of the offspring, and identify the phenotype(s) of the offspring.

8. RR * RR
9. RR * Rr
10. RR * rr
11. Rr * Rr
12. Rr * rr
13. rr * rr
14. What type of dominance is this?

PART III. Complete the following Punnett Squares, where Blue (B) and Red (b) are both expressed when the allele is present. Be sure to identify the phenotype of each parent, draw the Punnett Squares, identify the genotype(s) of the offspring, and identify the phenotype(s) of the offspring.

15. BB * BB
16. BB * Bb
17. BB * bb
18. Bb * Bb
19. Bb * bb
20. bb * bb
21. What type of dominance is this?

22. Draw a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Complete and Incomplete Dominance.
23. Draw a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Incomplete and Codominance.
24. Draw a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Complete Dominance and Codominance.

SEX-LINKED GENES. Complete the following Punnett Squares, where XX is female and XY is male. The allele X^C is for normal vision, X^c is the allele which leads to colorblindness, and the Y chromosome does not carry an allele for the trait.

X^C X^C = Normal Female
X^C X^c = Normal Female (Carrier)
X^c X^c = Colorblind Female
X^C Y = Normal Male
X^c Y = Colorblind Male

1. X^C X^C * X^C Y
2. X^C X^c * X^C Y
3. X^c X^c * X^C Y
4. X^C X^C * X^c Y
5. X^C X^c * X^c Y
6. X^c X^c * X^c Y

7. What is the genotype and phenotype of the father of a daughter that is colorblind? Provide proof with Punnett Square(s).
8. What is the genotype and phenotype of the father of a daughter that is not colorblind? Provide proof with Punnett Square(s).
9. What is the genotype of a non-colorblind mother who has a son that is colorblind? Provide proof with Punnett Square(s).
10. Can a mother and mother who is not colorblind have a son that is colorblind? Explain.

Be sure to identify the phenotype of each parent, draw the Punnett Squares, identify the genotype(s) of the offspring, and identify the phenotype(s) of the offspring.

MULTIPLE ALLELES. Complete the following Punnett Squares, where the allele I^A there are A-antigens produced on red blood cells, the allele I^B there are B-antigens produced on red blood cells, and allele i there are no antigens produced on red blood cells.

I^A I^A = Type A Blood (A antigen produced on RBCs)
I^A I^B = Type AB Blood (A & B antigens produced on RBCs)
I^A i = Type A Blood (A antigen produced on RBCs)
I^B I^B = Type B Blood (B antigen produced on RBCs)
I^B i = Type B Blood (B antigen produced on RBCs)
i i = Type O Blood (No antigen produced on RBCs)

1. I^A I^A * I^A I^A
2. I^A I^A * I^A I^B
3. I^A I^A * I^A i
4. I^A I^A * I^B I^B
5. I^A I^A * I^B i
6. I^A I^A * i i
7. I^A I^B * I^A I^B
8. I^A I^B * I^A i
9. I^A I^B * I^B I^B
10. I^A I^B * I^B i
11. I^A I^B * i i
12. I^A i * I^A i
13. I^A i * I^B I^B
14. I^A i * I^B i
15. I^A i * i i
16. I^B I^B * I^B I^B
17. I^B I^B * I^B i
18. I^B I^B * i i
19. I^B i * I^B i
20. I^B i * i i
21. i i * i i

22. Can a father who has type AB blood have a child with type O blood? Explain.
23. Can a father who has type B blood and a mother who has type A blood have a child that has type O blood? Explain.
24. Can a father and mother who have type O blood have a child that has type A blood? Explain.

Be sure to identify the phenotype of each parent, draw the Punnett Squares, identify the genotype(s) of the offspring, and identify the phenotype(s) of the offspring.