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Friday, February 8, 2013

Punnett Square Activity

For the following questions draw all Punnett squares and identify the genotypes and phenotypes in ratio, fraction and percentage.

Complete Dominance
1. RR * rr, R=Red r=white
2. Tt * Tt, T=Tall t=short
3. Tt * tt, T=Tall t=short

Incomplete Dominance
4. Rr * RR, R=Red r=white
5. rr * Rr, R=Red r=white
6. Tt * Tt, T=Tall t=short

7. RR * rr, R=Red r=blue
8. Rr * RR, R=Red r=blue
9. Tt * Tt, T=Tall t=short

Sex-linked Traits
KEY: C=Normal, c=Colorblind, Y=Male
10. CC* cY
11. Cc * CY
12. cc * CY
13. Cc * cY

Multiple Alleles
14. AA * BB
15. AB * ii
16. ii * AA
17. AB * AB

Identify the phenotype where A, B & C = +1 and a, b & c = 0
18. Aa,Bb,Cc
19. aa,bb,Cc
20. AA,Bb,Cc