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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Plants Lesson Plan

Benchmark: Relate the structure of each of the major plant organs and tissues to physiological processes.
1. Student can explain the basic characteristics of plants plant organs: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and cones.
2. Students can diagram and explain the physiological processes: photosynthesis, cellular respiration, transpiration, and reproduction.
3. Students can explain the role of plant tissues: meristematic, ground, dermal, and vascular tissues in the plant.
4. Students can describe how plant structures relate to their functions, including: cambium, guard cells, phloem, seed, stomata, and xylem
Daily Essential Question:
How have the structures and functions of plants enabled them to survive?
ENGAGE: "Let the Water Flow"
EXPLORE: "Comparing Structure to Function"
EXPLAIN: Cornell Notes + Plants
EXTEND: Question Set 7A/7B
EVALUATE: Structure and Function Quiz (5QAs)
Vocabulary: chemical reaction, chlorophyll, chloroplast, conservation of mass, glucose, grana, guard cell, photosynthesis, products, reactants, stomata, stroma, thylakoid membrane