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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lesson Plans - "Carbon-Based Compounds"

Standard: SC.912.L.18.11 Describe the basic molecular structure and primary functions of the four categories of biological macromolecules. (moderate)
1. Be able to compare and contrast the structures and functions of the four major carbon-based compounds
2. Describe the properties of the carbon atom that contribute to the formation of macromolecules.
Daily Essential Question
How do the different carbon-based compounds meet our needs? Agenda
ENGAGE: How Well Do I Know These Words - Carbon-Based Compounds, Life's Backbone
EXPLORE: Nutrition Think/Pair/Share
EXPLAIN: Cornell Notes + "Carbon-Based Compounds"
EXTEND: Question Set 3A (Remediation), Question Set 3B (Enrichment); Carbon-based compounds Concept Map
EVALUATE: Macromolecules Quiz
Vocabulary: amino acid, carbohydrate, covalent bond, fatty acid, glycerol, inorganic, lipid, monomer, nucleic acid, organic, polymer, protein