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Friday, March 2, 2012

Lesson Plans 3/2-13/2012

SC.912.L.15.14 Discuss mechanisms of evolutionary change other than natural selection such as genetic drift and gene flow.
Students can explain the mechanisms for evolutionary change in a population.
What mechanisms have allowed for diversity in organisms?
ENGAGE: How Well...Words - Evolution of Populations (Day 1)
EXPLORE: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
EXPLAIN: Cornell Notes + Chapter 11
EXTEND: Chapter 11 QAR (Remediation), Evolution of Populations Questions (Enrichment), Data Analysis p. 339 (Enrichment)
EVALUATE: Evolution of Populations Quiz
VOCABULARY: Diversity, Extinction, Gene Pool, Genetic Drift, Gene Flow, Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, Founder Effect, Bottleneck Effect, Allele Frequency, Speciation, Reproductive Isolation, Temporal Isolation, Behavioral Isolation, Geographic Isolation