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Thursday, March 1, 2012

I.G. 15-3 When Is a Flipper a Wing?

All living things are related. Some relationships are easy to see – your pet cat may not roar like a lion, but it clearly resembles one. Other relationships are less obvious.

On a sheet of paper, construct a table that has five columns and six rows. In the columns, write the following heads: Animal Group, Example, Legs, Fins, and Tail. Then, place the following animal groups in their own row: Mammal, Bird, Fish, Amphibian, Reptile, and Insect.

Give one example for each group, and then fill in the information for that example. For Legs, write in the number of legs that each animal has. Do animals with fins have legs? Do animals with wings have legs? If so, how many?

Can you tell from your table if a fish is more closely related to a bird or an amphibian? Explain your answer.