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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My GradePortal (Updated)

Grades are currently being put into grade portal and may not match the grade on the progress reports given by the school. The grade on grade portal is the most accurate, as it represents the teacher's current gradebook. Please keep checking back as grades are continuously being updated. Please check frequently as grades do fluctuate early in the quarter since there are a low number of assignments entered. As the quarter continues this grade will begin to stabilize to what your student's grade will be.

Students that did not turn in the assignment have a "0" (zero) inserted for their grade. Assignments can be turned in late for 2 points off, but must be submitted during a class period within a week of the original due date.

Students that have turned in an assignment either have a grade or "x" if the grade has not been entered yet.

As grades appear you may see other symbols besides a numerical grade. "NC" means that the assignment was disqualified or given "no credit." There are various reasons an assignment would receive this grade including cheating, less than 50% correctly completed, etc. "R" means that the assignment was given back to the student to "redo." The student has two class periods to turn in this assignment correctly or it will be graded as is.

Please also recognize the importance of not getting zeros. The following chart should show you the damage a zero can do to your grade: