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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lesson Plans 9/23-10/5/11

SC.912.L.14.1 Describe the scientific theory of cells (cell theory) and relate the history of its discovery to the processes of science.
1. Students can make logical arguments using observation made of cells to support the development of the cell theory.
2. Students can explain the three major principles of the cell theory.
Daily Essential Question (DEQ):
How does the development of the cell theory demonstrate the powerful nature of science and its ability to make statements with evidence to support them?
Engage: Learning Schedule Assessment 1.1 (Day 1), IG 7-1 "Are Cells Alive?" (Day 2)
Explore: Cell Theory - Connect (QAR) (Day 1 & 2), Discovery of the Cell (Day 2 & 3)
Explain: "Cell Theory" - Cornell Notes
Extend: "Black Box Model"
Evaluate: Teacher observation
Homework:Finish Cell Theory - Connect QAR (A-Day due 9/30, B-Day due 10/3); Discovery of the Cell (A-Day due 10/4, B-Day due 10/5)