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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Learning Schedule Assessment 1.1 (Remediation)

Students have been provided with remediatory work for the first common assessment. Students that have not met or mastered the standard are required to do the remediation.

What were the standards that were assessed?
SC.912.N.1.6 Describe how scientific inferences are drawn from scientific observations and provide examples from the content being studied.

SC.912.L.18.12 Discuss the properties of water that contribute to Earth’s suitability as an environment for life: cohesive behavior, ability to moderate temperature, expansion upon freezing, and versatility as a solvent.

SC.912.L.18.1 Describe the basic molecular structures and primary functions of the four categories of biological macromolecules.

SC.912.L.18.11 Explain the role of enzymes as catalysts that lower the activation energy of biochemical reactions. Identify factors such as pH and temperature, and their effect on enzyme activity.

How do I know whether they met or mastered the standard?
Students were handed back their answer sheets with this information written on it. If for some reason they have lost their answer sheet or do not have this to show you the information is also available through MyGrade Portal.

On the test, if you see any of the following: N.1.6, L.18.12, L.18.1, and/or L.18.11, then those standards were not met. This letter and number combination refers to one of the four standards listed above.

If you look online there are standards written under the test category with a grade. These grades are out of 100. This number is the percent mastery. If a student earned under 70% then they are said to not have met the standard. Students receiving less than 70% are required to do the remediatory work for that standard.

NOTE: Do not confuse the "Learning Schedule Assessment 1.1" with the standards (noted with "(Standard)"). The (LSA) Learning Schedule Assessment is entered as points out of 52 possible points.

What is the remediatory work?
SC.912.N.1.6 (N.1.6)
Using "Biology ClassZone" complete the following assignments, print out your "Scorecard" with your name and class period, and submit it to the instructor with the respective minimal scores.
1. Under "Chapter 1: Biology in the 21st Century" review the "Key Concepts" for Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3 with minimum time of 5 minutes each.
2. Under "Vocabulary Games" complete the "Crossword Puzzle" with a 20/20 within 2 attempts.
3. Under "Concept Maps" complete Section 1 (min 12/14), Section 2 (min 11/13), and Section 3 (min 12/14) with the notated minimal scores. You must have made 2 attempts if your score is not a perfect score.
4. Under "Quizzes" complete Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3 with all scores being 5/5.

SC.912.L.18.12 (L.18.12)
1. Under "Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life" review the "Key Concepts" for Section 2 with a minimum time of 5 minutes.
2. Under "Concept Maps" complete Section 2 with a minimum score of 12/14. You must have made 2 attempts if your score is not a perfect score.
3. Under "Quizzes" complete Section 2 with a score of 5/5.

SC.912.L.18.1 (L.18.1)
1. Under "Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life" review the "Key Concepts" for Section 3 with a minimum time of 5 minutes.
2. Under "Concept Maps" complete Section 3 with a minimum score of 12/14. You must have made 2 attempts if your score is not a perfect score.
3. Under "Quizzes" complete Section 3 with a score of 5/5.

SC.912.L.18.11 (L.18.11)
1. Under "Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life" review the "Key Concepts" for Section 4 and Section 5 with a minimum time of 5 minutes each.
2. Under "Concept Maps" complete Section 4 (min 10/12) and Section 5 (min 12/14) with the notated minimal scores. You must have made 2 attempts if your score is not a perfect score.
3. Under "Quizzes" complete Section 4 and Section 5 with all scores being 5/5.

When is the remediatory work due?
For students in A-Day Classes the Scorecard(s) are due at the beginning of class on Monday, October 10, 2011 (including 7th period). For students in B-Day Classes the Scorecard(s) are due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, October 11, 2011.

What if my child lost his Learning Schedule Assessment 1.1 answer sheet?
If a student has lost their answer sheet the information can be found on MyGrade Portal. See "How do I know whether they met or mastered the standard?" above.

How will the remediatory work be applied to my child's grade?
Students completing the remediatory work will be allowed to retake the test, thus getting an opportunity to raise their grade.

What if my student doesn't do the remediatory work?
It is imperative that this not happen. Not only has the student failed to demonstrate the required knowledge of the standard, but has failed to complete the remediatory work. This may result in the student receiving a failing grade for the quarter.

What if my student met all of the standards?
If a student has met all of the standards, but did not receive all 52 possible points he/she may retake the test without having to complete the remediation work.