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Monday, August 15, 2011

Course Policies & Procedures 2011-2012

Food & Drinks

1. Food is to be consumed in the cafeteria.

2. Bottled drinks are permitted in the classroom area as long as they have a lid. If you spill a drink clean it up. Failure to clean up your mess will result in drink privileges being revokes for the ENTIRE CLASS.

3. Trash goes in the trash can.

Dress Code

1. You are required to follow the dress code.

2. Administration is the final judge to whether an item of clothing is considered appropriate.

3. Closed toe shoes must be worn in the lab during lab days.

4. Hats belong in your locker or at home. Hats worn in the building will be confiscated.

5. The temperature is set to the instructor's comfort, dress accordingly.

Beginning of Class

1. Enter the classroom quietly. Horseplay will be left in the hallway.

2. Place work in the assigned homework bin. Work is only taken out by the instructor.

3. Pick up a Classroom Copy of the textbook, if needed.

4. Check the board for a warm-up assignment. If a warm-up exercise or quiz is available, begin working quietly.

5. On test days, sit quietly until directed by the instructor on what procedures you need to follow. This time would also be a good time to study your notes.

6. Have all supplies ready to use, that means paper and pens on your desk and pencils already sharpened. Books and bags go under your desk to prevent a tripping or a fire hazard.

7. When the tardy bell rings you are on my time!

Tardy Policy

1. You are considered "on time" if your ENTIRE body is through the threshold of the door when the late bell rings. This is determined by the instructor.

2. Any student hanging out in the doorway or hindering another students entry into the class will be considered late.

3. If you are tardy, go get a tardy.

4. If you are more than 10 minutes late you are skipping.

5. If you are more than 45 minutes late you are absent.

6. Knock on the door only if you have a tardy pass (properly documented from the dean) or a security escort (where the escort will attest to your arrival before you are admitted).

7. Sign the tardy log when you arrive to class.

Seating Assignments

1. Classroom seating is assigned by the instructor.

2. Desks are arranged how the instructor wants them and may be moved with permission given only by the instructor.

3. Students may be asked to move at anytime and are expected to move without attitude or hesitation.

Lab Area

1. The lab area may be used only during lab or once all class work has been completed for the day.

2. If you have completed the day's assignments you may work in the lab area with your group mates, if they have finished their work also, on your project.

3. If a lab is set up or an experiment is set up in the lab area, please refrain from messing with it. It may be important for another student's grade.

4. The lab area may be dangerous, therefore horseplay is absolutely prohibited in this area.

Cell Phones and Other Electronics

1. Any visible cell phone, regardless of whether it is in use, will be confiscated. Cell phones are to remain in your lockers until the end of the day.

2. Other electronics, such as (but not limited to) iPods and PSPs, are allowed ONLY in the hallways. They need to be put up and off while in the classroom unless specifically permitted on a specific and case-by-case basis and for educational purposes only.

3. Duval County School Policy states that cell phones must be set to the "off position" during school hours.

Hall Passes

1. Students need to use the restrooms before and after class.

2. Hall passes are only given during the middle 30 minutes of class, if a dire emergency is deemed by the instructor.

3. Students must have an ID badge to use a Hall Pass without exception.

4. Hall passes are only granted during 1st, 2nd, and 4th periods due to the lunch schedule.

5. Hall passes are a PRIVILEGE and ONLY FOR EMERGENCIES.

Fire Drills

1. The class will be dismisssed by the instructor. Please remain seated until dismissed.

2. Leave books and bags in the classroom. Ladies, please take your purses with you.

3. Maintain order and leave in a quick and orderly fashion when you are dismissed.

4. Report to the assigned area and stay until time to return to the building.

5. Fire Drills are serious in nature, failure to take it seriously or follow directions will result in severe consequences!

PA Expectations

1. When the announcements come on please stop what you are doing and listen. There may be something important that you, your peers, or the instructor may need to hear.

Class Dismissal

1. The bell is to inform you of when class is scheduled to end, but the instructor dismisses the class.

2. Students should remain in the class until dismissed by the instructor. Forming lines at the door is unsafe and prohibited.

3. When leaving the class please use the assigned door to alleviate safety concerns.

4. Upon exiting the classroom, throw away all trash, be sure all work that is due is turned in, and all boks are returned to the proper spot on the shelf. Failure to keep the room clean will result in a stricter class atmosphere.