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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lesson Plans 4/4-21/11

SC.912.L.16.3 Describe the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to transmission and conservation of the genetic information.
SC.912.L.16.5 Explain the basic processes of transcription and translation, and how they result in the expression of genes.
SC.912.L.16.4 Explain how mutations in DNA sequences may or may not result in phenotypic change. Explain how mutations in gametes may result in phenotypic changes in offspring.
SC.912.L.16.9 Explain how and why the genetic code is universal and is common to almost all organisms.
1. Student understands the components and structure of DNA molecules and the process and purpose of DNA replication.
2. Student understands the relationship among DNA, chromosomes, and genes.
3. Student understands the structure of RNA, the three types of RNA, and the purpose and process of transcription and translation.
4. Student understands the role of proteins in organisms and the effects of mutations in DNA and its result.
5. Student can construct the correct amino acid sequence in a protein when given a series of DNA base pairs and a codon and amino acid table or wheel.
Daily Essential Questions:
Why is the sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecules so important? How do changes in the genetic code occur?
Engage: Skamming Sect 12-1
Explore: Scientific Method (DNA) Activity
Explain: Teacher-led Discussion of Transcription/Translation
Extend: Transcription/Translation Activity
Evaluate: Common Assessment 4.1 (Covers Chapter 12)
Homework: "How Well Do I Know These Words?" (Replication, DNA, Nucleotide, Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine, Transcription, RNA, Uracil, Translation, mRNA, tRNA, rRna, Protein, Amino Acid, Codon)