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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lesson Plans 4/26-5/9/11

SC.912.L.16.10 Evaluate the impact of biotechnology on the individual, society and the environment, including medical and ethical issues.
SC.912.L.14.6 Explain the significance of genetic factors, environmental factors, and pathogenic agents to health from the perspectives of both individual and public health.
HE.912.C.1.4 Analyze how heredity and family history can impact personal health.
SC.912.N.1.4 Identify sources of information and assess their reliability according to the strict standards of scientific investigation.
1. Students can explain the importance of the Human Genome project and other genomic research and how recombinant technology can benefit humankind.
2. Students can utilize sources of scientific information and explain their reliability, including investigating common genetic disorders (e.g., sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs, Huntington‟s disease, trisomy 21).
3. Student can create a karyotype and use it to identify gender and a human chromosomal abnormality.
Daily Essential Questions:
How is society influenced by biotechnology?
Engage: Skimming/Scanning Sections 13-1 & 13-4 (Day 1)
Explore: Genetic Engineering Activity
Explain: Teacher-led Discussion on Genetic Engineering
Extend: Pedigree Chart Activity, Writing in Science: Ethics of Genetic Engineering
Evaluate: Common Assessment 4.2.a (Covers Sections 13-1, 13-4, 14-1, 14-2, & 14-3)
Homework: "How Well Do I Know These Words?" (Selective Breeding, Hybridization, Inbreeding, Transgenic, Clone, Karyotype, Sex Chromosome, Autosome, Pedigree, Sex-Linked Gene, Nondisjunction, DNA Fingerprinting, Genome, Recombinant DNA)