SC.912.L.17.5 Analyze how population size is determined by births, deaths, immigration, emigration, and limiting factors (biotic and abiotic) that determine carrying capacity.
1. Students know the factors affecting population size {births, deaths, immigration, emigration, and biotic and abiotic limiting factors such as food, competition, predation, parasitism, weather, natural disasters, and human activities) in an environment.
2. Students can analyze sample graphs and identify exponential and logistic growth of a population.
Daily Essential Questions:
What mechanisms does nature use to control population growth and how can we predict future events?
MAP Exam & Common Assessment #2
Engage: "How Populations Grow"
Explore: Student-led discussion of "How Populations Grow"
Explain: Teacher reviews Population Growth (Exponential and Logistic Growth)
Extend: Data Analysis of Populations
Evaluation: Teacher observation and discussion
Homework: Finish Data Analysis